Geoffrey A. Landis short fictions

List scraped from CSFDB.

Online reading resources are most from 九九藏书网 (Chinese), 月光博客 (Chinese) , chinasf(Chinese)

Collection: 冲击参数

Struggled to find proper eBook resources :(

titleenglish titleread?
真空态Vacuum States
空中的大海The River of Air, the Ocean of Sky
狄拉克海上的涟漪Ripples in the Dirac Sea
追赶太阳A Walk in the Sun
时空的插曲Interlude at the Circus
冲击参数Impact Parameter
拥抱异类Embracing the Alien
在冬天的星星下Beneath the Stars of Winter
黄蜂的奇特习性The Singular Habits of Wasps
我们在国家航空航天局干什么What We Really Do Here at NASA
初始时间Time Prime
罗尔维克的战争Rorvik's War
穿过黑暗Across the Darkness
黑妇人Dark Lady
最后的日落The Last Sunset
车轮上的死亡较量Hot Death on Wheels
冬天的炮火Winter Fire
逼近黑斑Approaching Perimelasma
遭遇太空海盗Outsider's Chance
进入蓝色深渊Into the Blue Abyss
漫长的追捕The Long Chase
坠落火星Falling Onto Mars
剑鱼座故事At Dorado
懒汉泰克斯Lazy Taekos
镜中人The Man in the Mirror
云城之主The Sultan of the Clouds
南极酒店A Hotel in Antarctica