General LaTeX tricks

一些我还没有熟练掌握的 \(\LaTeX\) 技巧

在 math environment 里 format 字体


% preamble
% ...


% ...
% end of preamble

% ...



pdfpages: insert pdf pages in a \(\LaTeX\) file

对于做 take-home exam 有奇效。

% preamble
% ...


% ...
% end of preamble

% ...

% include all pages

% include certain pages (here 1, 3, 5)


datetime2: foramt datetime :)

Set up new date style

The 4 input parameters for \DTMdisplaydate are 1. year, 2. month, 3. date, 4. dow. The package asks the users to refer to the input parameters using a double-hash + param number. Thus, while designing the format string, we should refer to year by ##1, month by ##2 and date by ##3.

\DTMnewdatestyle{kordate}% label, just a token
{% definitions
        % format string
        \number##1년 \number##2월 \number##3일
    \renewcommand*{\DTMDisplaydate}{\DTMdisplaydate} %Capitalize

Also note that, any fragile command used by the format string (inside \renewcommand) should be wrapped with \protect. An example in the (not so easy to read documentation of datetime2) below:

% omitted preamble
        \DTMmonthname{##2} \ordinalnum{##2}, \number##1 }%

    \section{\today: an example}

This document can’t compile properly and causes the error:

! Argument of \@sect has an extra }.
<inserted text>

This is because the style definition has made \today fragile because it uses an unprotected fragile command. This can be fixed by protecting \ordinalnum in the style definition.