Random bash tips

mv/cp with wildcard (blob)

The following command will not work

mv "${dir}/*.txt" "${dir}/another_place"

* will not be expanded inside quotation marks. To make it work, * should be put outside the quote.

mv "${dir}/"*".txt" "${dir}/another_place"

Should have more explanation on wildcards and globs

Monitor everything...

pv: pipe viewer

Monitor tar extraction progress

pv file.tar.gz | tar -xz


$ pv big-files-1.tar.gz | tar -I pigz -x -C source/fasta/metaclust_db_1
9.30GiB 0:01:43 [93.1MiB/s] [=>             ] 17% ETA 0:08:12

Monitor tar compression progress

tar cf - . -P -T file_list.1 | pv -s $( du -sb <file_list.1 | awk '{print $1}') | pigz -k > big-files.tar.g